
Titanium is a single substance, a mixture of titanium. So titanium has a more diverse nature and wide range of uses.
Concept definition Titanium: titanium-based alloy adding material titanium other elements of the alloy called titanium. Titanium has a low density, high strength, corrosion resistance, good process performance, etc., is an ideal structural materials in aerospace engineering.
Scope of the study: the structure of titanium and titanium alloys can be divided into heat resistant alloy, titanium alloy or α, β-type titanium alloy and α + β type titanium alloy. Coverage also includes forming technology titanium alloy powder metallurgy technology, rapid solidification, titanium alloy military and civilian fields.
Titanium is a new structural material, it has medical titanium excellent performance, such as low density (~ 4.5g · cm-3), high specific strength and fracture toughness, fatigue strength and resistance to crack propagation ability, good low-temperature toughness, excellent corrosion resistance, the maximum operating temperature of some titanium alloys to 550ºC, is expected to reach 700ºC. So it gets in the aviation, aerospace, chemical, shipbuilding and other industrial sectors increasingly widely used, is developing rapidly. (Σ0.2 / density) versus temperature of a light alloy, steel, etc., stronger than titanium alloys than other light metal, steels and nickel alloys, and this advantage can be maintained to about 500ºC, therefore suitable for the production of certain titanium alloy gas turbine parts. Approximately 80% of titanium production for the aviation and aerospace industries. Airframe structural materials such as the US B-1 bomber, the titanium about 21%, mainly for the manufacture of fuselage, wings, skins and bearing components. Airframe structural materials F-15 fighters, titanium with a capacity of 7000kg, about 34% weight of the structure. Structural parts of Boeing 757 aircraft, accounting for about 5% titanium, with a capacity of 3640 kg. McDonnell Douglas (Mc-Donnell-Dounlas) produced by DC10 aircraft, titanium alloy with a capacity of 5500kg, accounting for more than 10% of the weight of the structure. The amount of titanium in the chemical and general engineering areas:medical titanium alloy  the United States accounts for about 15% of its production in Europe accounts for about 40%. Due to the excellent corrosion resistance of titanium and its alloys, good mechanical properties, as well as qualified histocompatibility, making for the production of biological material prosthetic devices.


Titanium corrosion resistance, low density, high strength, medical titanium alloy resistance to seawater corrosion, machining, welding performance is good, and does not require heat treatment after welding, no heat affected zone embrittlement problem, as marine materials has broad prospects. Although very small quantities, but there are examples of titanium ship and get a high rating. Titanium titanium industry should strive to reduce costs and processing costs, and actively edited titanium design criteria and processing and shipbuilding skills and knowledge, and promote the application of titanium.
Titanium and steel as compared to very short history, has yet more than 100 years. But titanium is very rich in resources, in the form of TiO2 present in the ore into its reserves behind Al, Fe, Mg, ranking No. 4. Titanium is the first ship in the former Soviet Union in 1978 and 1983 made primary attack submarine, presumably under pressure hull is made of titanium. material titanium  The submarine water displacement of 2800t, underwater displacement of 3600t, diving depth of 600m. The first civilian titanium ship by Toho Titanium Company and third-party manufacturing rattan new shipyard competitive boats, launched in May 1985, registered in foreign countries. Ship boat length 17m, width 4m, height 2.5m, weight 2.8t. In addition to the cabin toughened plastic (FRP), all other made of titanium from the frame to the hull. Calculated according to the necessary strength, bottom selected 4mm-15mm thick titanium plate, deck thickness of 2.5mm titanium plates, ladder, steering wheel, and rudder shaft are also made of titanium rod.